About Us


Envied by many, Nepal Business Hub is an oasis of hope for vital business and investment information, gainful referrals, complementing migration pathways or just valuable strategic personal connections. Our team are spread strategically to serve all regions of our globe. All members of teams vow to ensure alleviating or minimizing your risks of identifying and establishing new trade markets and credible in country or global investment openings, maximizing efficiency from source or consumer parties and of course ensuring business viability for you and your party’s satisfaction.
Contemporary migration trends crisscrossing our planet in an unprecedented pace has birthed and established satellite people groupings in countries other than their motherland.

The richness of these diversity and varied multi-cultural celebrations has to be acknowledged as indicator for global trade and commerce, human and multi facet development and continued global migration trends into the future.
We at Nepal Business Hub are intergenerational human products of this global paradigm shift. Each member of our team knows and lives in 2 worlds of our respective and endeared homeland and respectable bona fide Citizens of our new Country. The Trillion Dollars Multilateral and Bilateral Trade and Development agreement are part of the buzz of our daily conversations.

We are your hub and oasis of hope- Global Business Hub!
From our first contact you are assured we at all times will respect your privacy and will never at face value pretend to know your business.

No doubt, after our mutual agreement of engagement out team will put into action and which may mean we are asking you a few in-depth and probably tough questions for the sole purposes of lay a strategic plan of action to meet your corporate needs.

We would not be surprised therefore to unearth and identify nuggets of operational information will direct us to pinpoint potential in-country or global trade and business opportunities. In assisting keeping our guard up in this ruthless global business markets we will together jab away the risks, provide intelligence on your competitors. The part we enjoy is referring your business to be in mutual non-threatening league with others in-country or global market. 
Which means we take nothing for granted and as we encourage you to your industry specific links and referral will also present very valuable cross industry contacts in both in-country and global  markets. 


Interested or Questions?

Please Contact us

Our Offices

  • Brisbane Technology Park

    Brisbane Technology Park

  • Putalisadak



Business Hours

Our support Hotline is
available 8 Hours a day

Monday-Friday: 10am to 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Phone: +977 9828014375